Welcome to Injustice At Work
Injustice at work, and in society in general, is often sanctioned by the U.S. court system.
The American judicial system is so complex that most Americans (including law school graduates) have no idea how it really works. As the author of CQ’s Desk Reference on American Courts, I have studied the system extensively. I suspect that if people knew how badly served they are by federal courts, they would be outraged.
I focus on federal courts because they are critical to American lives, and yet they are overlooked by the media.
The vast majority of Americans have no real access to federal courts because they can’t afford an attorney. Federal courts have adopted complex systemwide and local rules that make litigating like hacking your way through a rain forest surrounded by hungry tigers and boa constrictors. The truth is that many attorneys are challenged to practice in federal courts.
Federal courts today serve the interests of corporations and special interests (ex. the T in LGBTQI+ and non-governmental organizations). The average American is locked out and forgotten.
The most outrageous part of the system is the almost complete lack of judicial accountability.
Complaining is Sisyphean endeavor. The judiciary has devised a scheme that perfectly serves the interests of the federal judiciary. Judicial complaints are handled by judges, in secret, without any input from the public. Nothing of consequence happens to even the most corrupt federal judges, who often retire with their ill-gotten gains and fat pensions.
In addition to the court system, my major area of expertise is workplace abuse, including age and sex discrimination. I’ve authored several books on these topics (see below). I’ve been widely quoted by The New York Times, Bloomberg, VOX, CNBC, AARP, Society for Human Resource Management, Businessweek, Fast Company, Bustle, etc.
The Society for Human Resource Management called me a “nationally known expert on employment discrimination and workplace abuse.”
I’ve also written for many national publications, including Forbes, Slate, The ABA Journal and The National Law Journal.
If you can, I hope you will consider supporting my work by becoming a paid subscriber.
My books include:
Surviving Bullies, Queen Bees & Psychopaths in the Workplace;
Betrayed: The Legalization of Age Discrimination in the Workplace;
I also wrote two books for CQ Press - CQ's Desk Reference on American Criminal Justice and CQ's Desk Reference on American Courts.
If you are interested in the nitty-gritty about this Substack, InjusticeAtWork is the outgrowth of two blogs, When the Abuser Goes to Work and Age Discrimination in Employment.
I became interested in workplace abuse after editing a three-volume series of books on domestic violence law in the 1990s. I noticed some managers use power and control techniques employed by DV abusers. I discovered the U.S. is far behind other industrialized countries in protecting workers from harassment and emotional abuse, which now are recognized forms of workplace violence.
I began When the Abuser Goes to Work as a public service in 2011.
I began Age Discrimination in Employment a few years later out of sheer exasperation about the second-class legal status of older workers in America. The U.S. Congress effectively legalized age discrimination when it passed the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. Since then, the U.S. Supreme Court has made the problem much, much worse. Federal judges with lifetime tenure routinely dismiss age discrimination cases that would almost certainly result in employer liability under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, gender, religion and national origin.
By 2022, I was writing two blogs, dealing with technical break-downs, security threats, social media suppression, constant expenditures, and battling to keep unappetizing Google ear wax ads off my sites. It was at that point that I created InjusticeAtWork.com and discontinued the blogs.